Random Gobbledegook

Ramblings on life, otakuness and other random stuff.

A Fresh Start!

After going on hiatus for a bit, I decided to blog again! Hope to at least make a post once a day with a pic to accompany it too. It still hasn't quite sunk in that I've finished all my exams, and now just awaiting for results before the graduation ceremony. It's been a fairly quick semester, especially covering 5 subjects, but I've managed to survive. =D

So what's the plan for the next few days? Not much to be honest, just trying to find a job to start off with, and hopefully it'll be a stepping stone for me to push start my career. I've decided to try and make use of what holidays I still have to pursue in new hobbies, such as learning how to take good photos, as well as learning to cook too.

I'll leave you guys with a photo that I learnt to take yesterday, it's not much, but it's a start! Basically just playing around with the shutter speed, ISO 200. =D


Joel said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.


Joel Houston

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