A World of Toys and fun! =)
The past two days I've spent wandering around looking at various computer stuff, gaming, and anime! I'd post some HK pics, except that for some strange reason I cannot read the memory stick from the camera. I'll try and find a solution sometime soon. :)
I went to the popular Golden Computer Centre, an awesome place full of computer components, from monitors to systems to laptops to different types of accessories. I went to the adjacent shopping place too, known as Wong Gum. It used to be a popular place for copied stuff, but now it consists of gaming and pc accessories at the bottom. I managed to finally get SF4, but it wasn't unfortunately. xD
Another computer centre is the Mongkok Computer Centre. It has 3 levels of shops, but is nowhere near the scale of the Golden Computer Centre. Still has most of what you need, just specific components might be hard to get there.
Kwong Wah Street is popular for plastic model kits, from Gunpla (Gundam model kits), to various car ones. By wondering around there, I started to get an appreciation for this hobby, and the time and effort people put in to build and collect models. I ended up getting two kits, a 1/144 scale HG Exia model, as well as an FD3s Initial D model.
Speaking about models and other hobbies, for those of you who love anime/gaming stuff, be sure not to miss out on going to the Sino Centre. It is kind of the HK alternative to Akiba (Akihabara) that I know of there, with heaps of anime goods, manga, a few gaming stores, and even heaps of Japanese CD shops too. I love to visit there at least once everytime I go back! I ended up getting two posters there, a BoA one and a Street Fighter IV one too. My room's less boring now thanks to it. =) There is also an "Animate" shop nearby that sells heaps of figures, and gunpla too. It's worth a visit if there's a model/figure that you really want.
If you're in the mood for other collectibles that aren't necessarily anime related, you should visit the CTMA centre, or the Trendy Zone. They have various plastic models for sale from Hello Kitty keychains, to unique original ones too. Visiting these places reflects on how much the kid inside all of us resides even to this day!
11:48 AM | Labels: Gaming, Holidays, Hong Kong, Toys | 0 Comments
To HK and beyond!
Well, I've finally set foot in HK and I must say not much has really changed. Our plane got delayed by 30 mins due to some technical problem, but on the whole it's been pretty smooth. We ended up catching a taxi to the hotel and got back around 10pm HK time. I noticed compared to last time, was that the taxi fares went up from 15HKD to 18HKD, and increments by $1.50 instead of $1.40. I guess it can't be helped, everything is getting a whole lot more exxy nowadays!
Other than that, I've jsut been borrowing a neighbouring wifi, and waiting until the shops open! I'll leave you guys with a cool pic I took from the Tsing Ma Bridge, on the way from the airport. :)
9:06 AM | Labels: Holidays, Hong Kong | 1 Comments
It's finally hit me, the fact that I'll be almost there in HK by this time tomorrow. Although it's only a week, I think it would be still an awesome time. It makes me wonder if my view on travelling has changed since going to exchange. Who knows, I guess we'll see! I've made a shopping list already, and this list isn't definite, it might change as time goes by!
- Street Fighter IV for PS3!
- Gundam 00 Gunpla (probably Exia or Dynames HG, we'll see)
- Initial D Model Car
- HDMI cable
- HDMI -> DVI adaptor
- Long USB Cable
- PS3 Fan
8:55 PM | Labels: Holidays, Hong Kong, Shopping | 0 Comments
A Breath of fresh air!
Hey guys!
Just thought I'd give some life into this blog, with a new template, just 2 weeks a bit late from the start of this CNY. I went for a simplistic look, hopefully less cluttered than the old one where I tried to stick as much stuff in it as I could.
And on with life, what have I been up to? Not much really, I saw Underworld 3 - which was a prequel but I've never seen any of the earlier ones, so I might be missing out on something. It was an alright action flick, just that because it is set with a vampire setting, the lighting was pretty dark, and in doing so it was hard to see what was going on. The camera angles made it worse because it would move a bit too quick for my eyes. It lasted for about an hr and a half, and we saw it at Southbank, so it was alright for $6.50.
Other than that, just been keeping myself occupied with the ps3. I'm anxiously waiting for Steet Fighter IV - it just spells out awesome! Probably my first PS3 game I bought on the day of release. Here is the latest trailer I found on Youtube!
I'll keep everyone posted when there are more exciting things to blog about! :)
9:56 PM | Labels: Friends, Gaming, Holidays, Movies | 0 Comments
High Tea!
On Friday it was my friend, Misa's birthday. Her friends and I decided to go and organise High Tea as it was something she always wanted to go to. We went to the Brasserie at Stamford Plaza, near the Botanical Gardens, next to the Brisbane river. They had nice views there too. It was $27.50, I thought it was alright, they had some sandwiches too, but these cakes look better!
Above is a picture of my cup of Latte - a bit too strong for what I'm used to, but it was good! It was something different from previous birthday celebrations I've had in the past, and I'm glad to have experienced it.
9:38 PM | Labels: Birthdays, Food, Friends, Holidays | 1 Comments