Kansei Dorifto!
Boy I wish I had a PS3 now.
I received my belated birthday present last week, and that being the PS3 game, "Initial D: EXTREME STAGE". Pictured here is:
the cover (sealed xD) :

I managed to drop by my mate's house today to give it a whirl, and I sure was addicted to it. Slick graphics, online gameplay, and tweaked racing physics make it a nice first addition to my future PS3 game collection.
Graphics wise, they are a huge improvement over the PSP and PS2 versions, and are the same, if not better than the arcade versions. They are crisp, and work well with the action. I can't exactly compare it with the arcade graphics, as I haven't played at the arcades much, and the PS3 version I played on, wasn't on 720p.
Online play was an enjoyable lag-free experience. I don't really understand the ranking system yet, but basically you have a rank starting from D4, and then gets up to SS. The more you race in a ranking match online, the faster you go up a rank. There was also the option to turn on handicaps if you wanted it on as well. (i.e. the car behind would suddenly be quicker It was enjoyable, and it felt like you were actually at an arcade sitting next to your opponent. I didn't win any matches, but my friend managed to win one - it shouldn't be too hard after you have played through the story mode.
Racing physics wise - if you have seen any Initial D related stuff, you know that drifting is a major component of racing in it, so you can chuck realism out the window. Going to Initial D after playing GT4 for a few months makes it hard to adapt to the game quickly. It's fun drifting every sharp corner, and having rain as a racing condition changes the course dramatically. Compared to the older Initial D games, this one feels a lot more like drifting.
As my friend's setup didn't comprise of a steering wheel, I ended up using the SIXAXIS controller. As I was a d-pad user throughout my racing career, it took a while to adapt to using the left analog stick. It should be fun when I can play it with my G25!
Although some people beg to differ, being a fan of Initial D, I really enjoyed playing this game and it makes my PS3 wait a lot more harder. >_< I highly recommend it to arcade racing fans, and for those people who want a game they can pick up and play whenever.
I'll leave you guys with a trailer and a promo pic for the game itself. The person in the promo pic being a Japanese model and professional racer, Mika Kaboshima. Enjoy~

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