Fun times.
Instead of study, I decided to chilax a bit, and went a mate's place for some gaming, to try out new titles (he has heaps!) I had a go at COD:WAW Zombie mode - that was interesting, but it just seemed kind of pointless to me, as the objectives was to shoot zombies and protect yourself. I didn't really enjoy it, but he managed to have heaps of fun.
I also had a go at Red Faction: Guerilla. It was a lot different from what I had expected from the series, as I have number 1 in my collection too. It's become a 3rd person shooter, with destruction playing a huge part in it. I can see how it's heaps of fun, and could be something I'd enjoy picking up if it lands in the bargain bin! XD
Because he started console gaming from this current gen, he didn't know much about the awesome back library of ps2 games back then. I lugged my PS2 over, and managed to show him some of the best PS2 titles to have graced the system. Of course, coming from an HD background, and then switching to SD is pretty hard to impress. Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner was the only game that made him go wow, with the cool effects and attention to detail. He was always an action fan, but I'm glad that he appreciates the other types of genres of games that are around. I was heaps surprised when he ordered Valkyria Chronicles, a game where it has a huge RPG emphasis on too.
We finished the day with a few hours of SFIV. My friend was getting a lot better from the first time I played against him, and it kinda helped me improve my game, the more I played against him. He unknowingly found my weaknesses, and acquired that "fighting instinct" he was lacking when he first got the game. In doing so, this results in awesome close matches, and the adrenaline rush was huge as! We finished epically as our last round of our last match match resulted in a double KO! A friend of mine told me it's kind of rare to double KO, but we managed it. I'm a lot more motivated now to get better at this game, youtubing vids here and there. Here's a pic of how we concluded the day:Great times. I hope my Winter Gaming Warmer Party hopes to achieve this as well! =D
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