Random Gobbledegook

Ramblings on life, otakuness and other random stuff.

Week 7 in UCSC!

Well, it's another week gone by, another week til I go back home! =D The rain decided to mark my first mid term as well. So what else has happened this week?

Your weekly round-up:

  • Celebrated Halloween: did it American style, which involved a parade downtown, with everyone dressed up in spooky costumes.
  • Celebrated Alice's 21st Birthday! It was cool, with a dodgy version of karaoke.
  • And in doing so, did my first attempt at cosplay with what I had. Guess who, when you check the pics!
  • Did my first exam: exams at UQ are a lot scarier, over here its basically like a relaxed environment where it's just like class, except you're doing it
  • It rained for the second time in the year - in doing so, it was pretty cold, and I think I caught a cold from it >_<
Birthdays, and more birthdays! Anyhow, here are the pics~

Happy Birthday Alice!

Snacks at the party!



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