Outrun Online Arcade Review
I recently picked up this title from PSN (Playstation Network), and it's great fun! It is based on the arcade remake of the original Outrun back in the early 90's. Both of which I have embedded below.
Overview: Basically Outrun is an arcade racer where you start off at A and finish off at B. What makes it unique include: the collection of Ferraris that you can choose to drive, deciding whether or not to drift corners, and which of the 5 final destinations you will finish at. It is really addictive, with the drifting physics pretty easy to execute, and there are 15 different areas to explore depending on your road choice - check the video below out to see what I mean!
What I liked:
- Playing this version was pretty fun, with Online multiplayer too.
- Classic Arcade experience, with eye candy in pure 1080p HD goodness!
- My online experience was pretty glitchy, with random glitches here and there that occur randomly - see below.
- Online community wasn't as good as it could be, with people disconnecting when they realise they can't win =S
- G25 support is almost non existent, and is easier and more satisfying to play with the DS3 instead.
I'd give it a 8/10, mainly cos the gameplay is addictive, but online is a tad disappointing!
6:45 PM | Labels: Gaming, Gaming Reviews, Purchases | 0 Comments
An Exciting AIESEC Weekend of Fun and Learning!
Last weekend went by heaps quick, with the AIESEC Member Review Board (MRB), the RICX RETOX Training Day, and AIESEC BBQ night!
The MRB is basically a panel interview done both in a group, and individually to determine whether a candidate is suitable to go and work in an international internship overseas. The group activity was easy in some areas, but difficult in others, in the sense that it dealt with various topics from basic ones to controversial ones too. The individual component felt similar to a job interview, but not quite as intense. It was an enjoyable experience, and I got to meet a few new people as well.
The RICX RETOX was a good refresher for me for my role in AIESEC. Just learning how to sell properly and well as perform a First Meeting/Interview with a corporate too. I learnt a bit more stuff about the whole AIESEC Exchange process too. I was hella tired by the end of it. I ended up passing it, and I'm well on my way to heading to Beijing in July! =D
The AIESEC BBQ was good to just chill out and socialise for a while. I ended up bringing my dad's camera and was the photographer/paparazzi for the night. Photos are on Facebook for those interested! :)
For those wanting more information about AIESEC theres the wiki and the AIESEC UQ website!
9:54 PM | Labels: Friends | 0 Comments
An Afternoon of Karaoke and Games!
Just thought I'd blog about last Friday, where I ended up going to karaoke with a few friends of mine I met at a networking event a month ago. We started off grabbing lunch at Hanaichi in Wintergarden, before heading off to Karaoke for 2 hours. It was pretty fun, but it just makes me realise that I've still got a while to go if I want to go and sing well! xD I dunno why, but I just never get sick of it, so I should get better as time goes on.
We finished the arvo with going to Funhouse near the cinemas, and played a few of those old school ticket games. Ended up coming back with a bouncy ball and a heartbeat too! It was a fun time, and hope to have many more soon. :)
7:04 AM | Labels: Friends, Karaoke | 0 Comments
A week of craziness!
That's pretty much how I would summarise my week. I had 2 mid semesters one before and one after my actual birthday. They weren't too bad, though the one before my bday was theory rather than practical which was kinda surprising.
After exams, I finally spent some time with my PS3, giving GRID a go and playing some more Eternal Sonata. GRID was alright once I changed to bumper view, it was just difficult to play with cockpit view because my screen is so small - you can't see the track! I'll probably give it more of a go later. Eternal Sonata is something pretty magical too - I recognised Hirano Aya's voice instantly haha.
Other than that, just cooling down and going to enjoy my weekend. :)
9:08 AM | Labels: Exams, Gaming | 0 Comments
It's Party Time!
I had my 21st party last weekend, and it was pretty fun. Not quite how I planned it, but I guess it turned out alright. :) I kind of had a plan of making it similar to the GAME ON exhibition in the city, but I didn't have nearly enough TVs unfortunately. Still, there were 2 PS3s and 2 Wiis there, but no Rockband =( It was a pretty enjoyable night, with karaoke here and there - it was good that everyone got involved. I just want to say thanks to everyone who went, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! :)
7:21 PM | Labels: Birthdays, Friends | 0 Comments
A fresh start!
I recently formatted my laptop, and have now installed a new unix OS, Ubuntu. I really like using it because it's really light on hardware, and my computer doesn't feel like it's being dragged. It's a great operating system, as it has most of what I need from my computer - using the internet, using office programs, and watching videos/listening to music. It is also a free OS with the belief that all software should be free.
I've posted a screenshot below, hope you guys like it!
10:03 AM | | 0 Comments
The Past 3 Days!
Hello again! It's been three days since I last posted. Nothing too exciting has happened, just making the final preparation for my Gaming party on tomorrow! Checking out that the gaming components work, batteries charged etc etc. I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a successful day, hopefully all the preparation has paid off! Other news:
- Ate Mi Goreng two days in a row - I've forgotten how good they are! I think I can keep eating them for a few more days still, but it's so bad for health. I guess everything that is bad is always the best tasting!
- Trying to study, it's kinda hard since my party is on tomorrow, it's hard to concentrate lol. I need heaps of catchup, but we'll see how we go. :)
- Went to Black Jack's the other day in the Treasury Casino in the city. Not bad, as we had a buy 1 get 1 free voucher, so 10 bucks for a buffet was pretty good! It was only valid until today, so I should've told you guys about it earlier! A pic of the different kinds of food offered there below. =)

6:51 PM | Labels: Food, Study | 0 Comments
A day full of fun, and meeting heaps of people!
Hey guys! I've had a hella awesome day yesterday, and managed to squeeze heaps of stuff into it. :) A quick rundown:
- Started the day off doing some work XD Basically just worked with my group in our marketing assignment - basically have a clear outline as to where we have to go with it.
- This was followed by lunch with my newly found foodie friends, Sunny and Virginia. We were going to go to Oishii, but unfortunately luck wasn't on our side, and it was closed. Sunnybank Oriental was where we ended up going. I'm glad that we all had a great meal, despite the disappointment.
- Afterwards, I managed to kill some time, and met up with Yoshi, Anna, and Mio - three people I met at a networking function recently, might go karaoke with them sometime next week. ^_^
- Then was the fun bit - Karaoke! I dunno what attracts me to it, it's just always heaps of fun. Met a few new people there too, hopefully I can go again sometime soon. :)
9:49 AM | Labels: Food, Karaoke, Study | 0 Comments
Easter Monday~!
Hey guys! How was everyone's long weekend? I must say it has been pretty relaxing and lazy, just what the holidays is about. Nothing too exciting happened yesterday, finally started some studying and a few more job applications. I started changing the site, and there's a new page above which will be my own game review column, with games that I have played in the past, and whether or not it's good, bad, or just ugly. Today should be a more fun filled day, I'll keep you guys posted! :)
7:06 AM | Labels: Jobs, Study | 0 Comments
My Latest Gunpla!
As promised, here is a post about my latest Gunpla, a 1/144 model of Gundam Exia, which is the first Gundam the main lead character Setsuna F. Seiei pilots. I really enjoyed this series, and would highly recommend it for those who love robots, and love for a good story. There are elements of love, the issue of war, and what it means for people to unite. I can't wait for the movie!
This 1/144 Exia took me less than 3 hours to make. Kinda slow, but I'm not really good at building these things. This is probably the second gunpla I've made in years, so there were some hiccups too. I lost one of the stickers that was supposed to stick to the back of the head, but as most of the details are at the front, it's not that bad.
I have here two pics of two different poses I managed to make my Exia do. I really love it how they're easily posable, and would be great if I had more! I should probably do my best to secure a job asap to fund my ever extending expensive hobbies. xD
4:37 PM | Labels: Purchases | 0 Comments
Easter Sunday!
Hello hello! How was everyone's Easter? Full of Easter eggs? I wouldn't call myself a chocolate fanatic, so I didn't receive any, except from a tutor in a first year course lol.
I managed to skip jogging today, cos of the rain. I'm gonna get fat cos of the weather, haha. I basically spent all morning making a Gunpla (Gundam model kits) that I bought during my last trip. I'll probably do a post dedicated to it soon.
We went to the Chan's for a family friends Easter BBQ in the evening. It was alright, managed to play some PS3 too. Street Fighter IV is still great fun for gatherings, and GT is fun too if both people love cars. We ended up watching the movie Twilight. Some of the lines were a bit corny, but it is a romance film afterall.
Better start studying for my two exams after the break now, and not be like this girl in this pic! >_< (PS - just trying to brighten up my posts with random pics now xD)
8:16 AM | Labels: BBQ, Gaming | 0 Comments
Lucky Star Nendoroid Petits!
I thought i should probably post something otaku on here, since it does mention otaku in the description! I bought this set almost a year ago, and it was as a result of enjoying the Lucky Star series. I just have a soft spot for chibi stuff, I have no idea why, and it doesn't help that these are really well made. xD I have a few other Nendoroids too, might post them up sometime later too.
I'm kinda glad that I'm not that into figure collecting that much, otherwise I'd run out of money really quickly. Hopefully I'll be able to secure a job for when I graduate, so I can spend money on these hobbies!
9:42 AM | Labels: Figures, Purchases | 0 Comments
Easter Saturday!
Started off with some jogging, and finally had a go at our new ride on mower that we got recently. It kinda feels like driving a car, except heaps slower, and it cuts grass. Want to see what it looks like? Tada! It really does help mowing the lawn in a more efficient manner. :) I've also read that some people "soup up" their ride-ons for racing which I find really random. I guess it is somewhat similar to a go-kart, but a lot heavier imo.
Afterwards, we went to a chinese restaurant in Yeronga - it was alright, but we had Peking duck with our cousins from HK. That's about it really!
8:58 AM | | 0 Comments
Good Friday 2009
Just thought I'd write something as a log of my easter break. I'm determined to make the most of everyday where possible, doing things that I enjoy, with a bit of study here and there too. I'll probably start the study after this easter long weekend! :) I might do some different articles over the course of this break, we'll see how we go.
The first day went by quick, played some Valkyria Chronicles, and slowly getting into the swing of things there. I've started doing morning jogs too, hopefully it'll make me into a healthier person for the future. On the other end, i've just been preparing for my party, with an old computer used for karaoke purposes. Once that is done, I might play around ubuntu with my laptop :) I'll keep you guys posted on other stuff!
11:18 AM | Labels: Gaming | 0 Comments
6th Week of Uni!
Finally, the holidays are among us, it's Easter! I thought I'd do a quick summary of my week leading up to it.
- Did a tax law exam - kinda nasty, with me not remembering enough cases; should've studied more, blame the job applications! (I just wanted an excuse lol)
- Went to a BDO Kendalls job interview session, it was pretty intense with individual interviews, group activities, an accounting test, and a written piece.
- Got rejected by Deloitte - I guess I probably should've prepared more with my examples to answers of questions, but at least I know what to do now!
- Project group for my final IT subject has been decided - so far it's alright, but we'll see how we go in terms of workload etc!
11:41 PM | Labels: Exams, Holidays, Jobs | 0 Comments
5th Week of Uni!
It's almost Easter! Which means holidays are just around the corner, although it's only a week. So, what have I been up to the past week?
- I managed to grab Valkyria Chronicles for 59 AUD off eBay. Sealed copy too!
- Went to the final job interview at Deloitte - it wasn't too bad, but probably could've answered some questions a lot better.
- Attended The Source launch party - basically a networking event, and did some AIESEC work, letting everyone know how it was.
- Filling out some more job applications, I'm going to be so happy when all this is complete!
- Doing a job interview on Wednesday next week with BDO Kendalls, we'll see how that goes.
- Easter break starts on Friday!
8:41 AM | Labels: Gaming, Jobs, Purchases | 0 Comments