Random Gobbledegook

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Outrun Online Arcade Review

I recently picked up this title from PSN (Playstation Network), and it's great fun! It is based on the arcade remake of the original Outrun back in the early 90's. Both of which I have embedded below.

Overview: Basically Outrun is an arcade racer where you start off at A and finish off at B. What makes it unique include: the collection of Ferraris that you can choose to drive, deciding whether or not to drift corners, and which of the 5 final destinations you will finish at. It is really addictive, with the drifting physics pretty easy to execute, and there are 15 different areas to explore depending on your road choice - check the video below out to see what I mean!

What I liked:

  • Playing this version was pretty fun, with Online multiplayer too.
  • Classic Arcade experience, with eye candy in pure 1080p HD goodness!
What I didn't like:
  • My online experience was pretty glitchy, with random glitches here and there that occur randomly - see below.
  • Online community wasn't as good as it could be, with people disconnecting when they realise they can't win =S
  • G25 support is almost non existent, and is easier and more satisfying to play with the DS3 instead.
Overall: This game is basically the same as Outrun 2SP, except now in widescreen and HD. I loved drifting around corners in the original, but others may find it not worth the money. The online component is welcomed, if it was done in a better way. It's a great game to pick up and play for those that haven't tried it yet, and at 15 AUD, it's well worth it's money imo.
I'd give it a 8/10, mainly cos the gameplay is addictive, but online is a tad disappointing!

Random Online glitch =S

Original Outrun!

Outrun Online Arcade Online Gameplay.


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