Happy 100th Post!
I got bored, and decided to post my 100th post! I'm kinda surprised that my blog has survived this long so far, and hope to post a lot more in the future as well, with my interest in photography and other interesting hobbies now. Until next time~ =D
10:45 PM | | 0 Comments
An Awesome Gaming Weekend!
The weekend that just past was one filled of heaps of fun offline multiplayer action. On Saturday I went to Jono's and it was pretty fun, playing Wii and PS3. There was heaps of SFIV to be had, and it was all good and fun. =D I opted out for Red Steel, as I found that kinda boring, and tried out the inFAMOUS demo on Jono's PS3. It was interesting, and seemed like a pretty fun game, but I'll only play it after I finish all the other games I want to complete.
On Sunday I went to Ernie's for a family friends gathering. I lugged my PS3 and we ended up playing some Bomberman as well as SFIV too. All in all, good fun for everyone to be had. =D
8:23 AM | | 0 Comments
Another Flying Week!
This week sure flew past. In all honesty, I haven't really been up to too much. Here's a quick wrap up of my week:
- I went to a group meeting for my group project, and realising how I have to start some research for it.
- Met up with Marina before she departed for her trip to Uluru. It was pretty cool, since I haven't seen her in a few months I reckon! Hope she can tell me stories about Uluru, so I might go visit there sometime.
- Had a haircut - for some reason the hairdresser used a straightener on me, so weird! So I had a weird haircut for the rest of that day.
- Claiming my free boost - one time I remember waiting for such a long time for a Boost that they gave me a free boost card. It was pretty good, as I was given a free LARGE Boost. I was kinda expecting them to give me a small or medium size, so it was a nice surprise!
8:18 AM | | 0 Comments
Guests and Guests!
My cousin's friend came over to Brisbane from Hong Kong to study Education in an English speaking country. I took her and a few of her friends to have pizza today, as well as taking them to my place for dinner afterwards. Before I met them, I really had no idea what to expect. It just felt weird inviting people to come over when you've never seen them before, and only really spoke to them on msn! I'm glad they had a great time taking heaps of pics at uni, as well as having fun with the Wii at home. I've made a few more Facebook friends now, thanks to them. =D
It was interesting to see their strong interest in cameras too. Seeing them like that, ignited my interest to learn photography more, as well as saving up for a nice DSLR in the future. I still have a lot to play with with my S610, but once I get that done, and have enough money saved, I might invest in my own one. =D I'll probably post the photos later, when they upload/send them to me!
10:50 PM | Labels: Friends, Photography | 0 Comments
The Movies
On Saturday, I managed to go watch a movie, with Billy and Bish, called Bruno. I've never seen Borat, so it was an eye-opener for me. Basically like a mockumentary, with comedic elements, there were some bits which were pretty funny, but for the most part it isn't really a movie for me. With a lot of adult references, public reactions can be funny, but over the top, so much so I didn't really enjoy it as much as the person next to me.
We finished the day off with some Daytona at Timezone. It's still pretty fun, pity that we didn't get the track we wanted, cos a certain someone picked the wrong track!! Ah well, fun times.
10:44 PM | Labels: Friends, Movies | 0 Comments
Another Games Night!
Last Friday a few friends organised another games night event, which was basically just games, and pizza for the night! It was pretty fun, and we ended up playing some Street Fighter IV, as well as Bomberman, and Wii Tennis. It was great fun, and everyone who went sure had a great time! Playing on a plasma TV makes me wonder when we'll actually end up getting one soon, as it's just sooo much better. =D I'm a bit bored of pizza now haha, had it too many times in the past 2 weeks! Pics below:
8:15 AM | Labels: Friends | 0 Comments
Lessons Learnt!
The past couple of days, I have learnt random lessons that should be learnt in life. One of these is to be careful of what you buy online. I recently bought a game off ebay the other day, but it didnt end up working as the game was a 2nd hand copy. It's not such a big deal, but the return postage was about 1/3 of the actual product price, and isn't really worth it, I just hope I get some compensation as well from the seller themselves. I just know next time, to make sure I know the refund procedures, so I know that I don't get charged for a faulty item. >_<
Another lesson on something, which I usually do, but failed to do this time around, is research on products before you buy them. The K-On! CD mentioned in the previous post wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I thought that the Original Sound Track would comprise of the background music and songs that were used throughout an anime series. I realised now that it only contains background music, and various "light music" pieces, which can be a bit boring, but really relaxing at the same time. I think I might put it on at night when I want to feel more relaxed! I would've preferred the vocal songs that they used in the anime instead! As promised, here is what the inside of the CD looks like:
8:35 PM | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
My parents came back from their 5 week holiday trip, and they were back telling us about their stories of their time in the other side of the world. I managed to get a few presents, and these include the following:
- Cross Edge PS3 Game
- K-On! Original Soundtrack
- A lot of random key chains etc, I might post them up some other time cos they're scattered everywhere =P
I've yet to open both CD's yet, but will probably take pics of the inserts when I do! I also received a late 21st Birthday present from my parents too. I got a compact DC - the Nikon S610. I like the feel and design of it, and I think this will last me until I get a DSLR in the future! So from now on, all photos will be taken with this camera, until that DSLR arrives! ;) Because of all these presents and the cold weather lately, it feels like it's Christmas in July! =D

6:00 PM | Labels: Presents | 0 Comments
Wu's 21.50582th Birthday Party
Last Sunday was my friend's 21.50582th party, which was basically just an excuse to hold a games party for this holidays haha. (Pics to come later) It was heaps of fun tbh, and he had the resources to make it more successful than my party! There were 3 PS3s setup, 1 360 and 1 wii setup. 2 of the 3 PS3s were dedicated to SFIV, and it was a pretty fun time. I know I have soo much more areas to improve in, but too bad my best mates aren't that into SFIV, so it's basically no motivation to get better!
Bomberman proved popular, but not quite as epic as I had imagined. Still, it was an enjoyable time, and he liked the presents that we got him. It was basically a collection of figurines from God of War, Street Fighter, and Assassin's Creed. I hope i didn't motivate him to start figure collecting, cos that's a pretty expensive hobby! Either way, it was probably one of my more enjoyable parties I've been to, as I am a gamer rather than a party animal. =P
8:30 PM | Labels: Birthdays | 0 Comments
Finally Complete!
Last Saturday, I managed to finally complete Valkyria Chronicles. While the story was somewhat predictable, it was still pretty fun, with an epic boss battle to conclude. I really like the whole presentation, with FMVs looking very smooth and crisp! I must admit, I'm nowhere near a good strategist, so I ended up using walkthroughs to complete it quickly lol. All in all, a great game with heaps of depth, and highly recommended for RPG fans, and strategy fans too. =D
8:09 AM | Labels: Gaming | 0 Comments
Winter BBQ!
I went BBQing today at the Botanical Gardens. It was pretty fun just to chill out and away from the PS3 for the whole day too. I went with Misa's Pharmer friends, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves too! We got more in touch with nature - with a bit of bushwalking/hiking and away from technology, without the electrical BBQ stoves they have nowadays. I'll leave you guys with some of the better pics that I took during the day, enjoy!
We finished off the day with some coffee at La Dolce Vita at Park Rd, Milton. It seemed like a nice place, and I ordered an Iced Mocha! I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but this tasted alright, except the cream was kinda sour, almost like they used whipped sour cream!
1:55 AM | Labels: BBQ, Friends | 0 Comments
Cooking is hard work!
Especially for a noobie like me! Making potato salad from scratch took almost two hours, pretty annoying haha. It tasted alright though, here's a pic of it:I tried to make it Japanese style, with Kewpie Mayo. It's a lot creamier than normal mayo, and tastes sooo much better imo! :D
11:18 PM | Labels: Cooking | 0 Comments
Games, Games and more Games!
As the title above says, I've basically kept myself busy with RPGs that I've failed to finish, focusing on Valkyria Chronicles and Xenosaga.
I'm up to the stage in Valkyria Chronicles where I can level up easily with a method I found on Youtube. (Check below) The game itself is different from games that I've played before in that it is a mixture of strategy with an anime RPG style. Maybe the best way I could describe it is like Worms 3D.
Xenosaga is an interesting sci-fi RPG based in the future and is a 3 part series. Only number 2 was released in PAL regions, but I managed to get a copy of the first part while I was in the states. It's a typical turn based RPG fare, but nonetheless interesting and good to try out. I have been annoyed at times where I'm trying to find the boss I have to fight, but end up having to refer back to FAQs for more information. The trailer is below for those interested!
Other than that, I've just been internetting, and doing nothing. I'd better start looking for jobs soon!
10:35 AM | Labels: Gaming | 0 Comments