Random Gobbledegook

Ramblings on life, otakuness and other random stuff.

An Awesome Gaming Weekend!

The weekend that just past was one filled of heaps of fun offline multiplayer action. On Saturday I went to Jono's and it was pretty fun, playing Wii and PS3. There was heaps of SFIV to be had, and it was all good and fun. =D I opted out for Red Steel, as I found that kinda boring, and tried out the inFAMOUS demo on Jono's PS3. It was interesting, and seemed like a pretty fun game, but I'll only play it after I finish all the other games I want to complete.

On Sunday I went to Ernie's for a family friends gathering. I lugged my PS3 and we ended up playing some Bomberman as well as SFIV too. All in all, good fun for everyone to be had. =D


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