A Fresh Start!
6:47 PM | Labels: Hobbies, Life, Photography | 1 Comments

9:28 PM | Labels: Food, Friends, Karaoke | 0 Comments
A Great Weekend!
I had a pretty good weekend, and went to a free WASABI BBQ. It was great fun, meeing heaps of new people around the place. I even met a guy who was a backing vocalist for HY, a J-Pop band. It was pretty awesome, and we had heaps of Okonomiyaki and Onigiri too. I managed to take a few pictures, probably not as much as I wanted though. Still, it was an enjoyable time, though a tad disappointed there was no Karaoke. I'm excited to go to karaoke next time, in probably a fortnight.
Now I have to get back to work, better leave all my playing to the weekend! =)
9:39 AM | Labels: BBQ, Friends | 0 Comments
Stress already. *sigh*
Man, it's only the first week and a half and it feels like exam period. With assessments due here and there, I'm finding it difficult to find time for myself to chill out and relax. Not too much to report about, but I feel a little bit more organised this semester, so hopefully my grades will reflect this increase in organisation! haha. Life is pretty boring, and not that interesting, but who knows, maybe something will spice it up in the future. =D
In terms of figures, I'm looking forward to picking up a Nendoroid Mio when it comes out in November. It's just the best definition of 'moe' for me, and I loved her character in K-On! the most out of all the others. I just can't wait til November, when this semester is over, and when Mio arrives in my mailbox! =D
8:03 AM | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
It's Begun.
After my first week of cruising through this semester of uni, I've decided to improve my study to a whole new level, if I am to graduate uni this year. Completing 5 subjects wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, with motivation being an annoying factor. I can't wait until this semester is over, and I hope to do so soon enough. I'll post here as a record of my progress throughout semester. Wish me luck!
7:24 AM | Labels: Life, Study | 0 Comments
No more Winter Holidays!
The winter holidays have all finished, probably my last one ever, unless of course I don't find a job in time. I enjoyed the last week, not doing much, but meeting up with people here and there. I'm slowly progressing through Eternal Sonata. It's not a bad game, with an interesting story, and enjoyable battle system too.
I was gonna go to Karaoke with a group of friends too. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be, as I waited for a whole hour for a bus that was meant to arrive every 15 mins. bus fail~
Other than that, I really enjoyed this holidays. I even played tennis a few times too. Great fun, hope that I'll be able to do the same some other time! =)
9:54 AM | | 0 Comments
Happy 100th Post!
I got bored, and decided to post my 100th post! I'm kinda surprised that my blog has survived this long so far, and hope to post a lot more in the future as well, with my interest in photography and other interesting hobbies now. Until next time~ =D
10:45 PM | | 0 Comments
An Awesome Gaming Weekend!
The weekend that just past was one filled of heaps of fun offline multiplayer action. On Saturday I went to Jono's and it was pretty fun, playing Wii and PS3. There was heaps of SFIV to be had, and it was all good and fun. =D I opted out for Red Steel, as I found that kinda boring, and tried out the inFAMOUS demo on Jono's PS3. It was interesting, and seemed like a pretty fun game, but I'll only play it after I finish all the other games I want to complete.
On Sunday I went to Ernie's for a family friends gathering. I lugged my PS3 and we ended up playing some Bomberman as well as SFIV too. All in all, good fun for everyone to be had. =D
8:23 AM | | 0 Comments
Another Flying Week!
This week sure flew past. In all honesty, I haven't really been up to too much. Here's a quick wrap up of my week:
- I went to a group meeting for my group project, and realising how I have to start some research for it.
- Met up with Marina before she departed for her trip to Uluru. It was pretty cool, since I haven't seen her in a few months I reckon! Hope she can tell me stories about Uluru, so I might go visit there sometime.
- Had a haircut - for some reason the hairdresser used a straightener on me, so weird! So I had a weird haircut for the rest of that day.
- Claiming my free boost - one time I remember waiting for such a long time for a Boost that they gave me a free boost card. It was pretty good, as I was given a free LARGE Boost. I was kinda expecting them to give me a small or medium size, so it was a nice surprise!
8:18 AM | | 0 Comments
Guests and Guests!
My cousin's friend came over to Brisbane from Hong Kong to study Education in an English speaking country. I took her and a few of her friends to have pizza today, as well as taking them to my place for dinner afterwards. Before I met them, I really had no idea what to expect. It just felt weird inviting people to come over when you've never seen them before, and only really spoke to them on msn! I'm glad they had a great time taking heaps of pics at uni, as well as having fun with the Wii at home. I've made a few more Facebook friends now, thanks to them. =D
It was interesting to see their strong interest in cameras too. Seeing them like that, ignited my interest to learn photography more, as well as saving up for a nice DSLR in the future. I still have a lot to play with with my S610, but once I get that done, and have enough money saved, I might invest in my own one. =D I'll probably post the photos later, when they upload/send them to me!
10:50 PM | Labels: Friends, Photography | 0 Comments
The Movies
On Saturday, I managed to go watch a movie, with Billy and Bish, called Bruno. I've never seen Borat, so it was an eye-opener for me. Basically like a mockumentary, with comedic elements, there were some bits which were pretty funny, but for the most part it isn't really a movie for me. With a lot of adult references, public reactions can be funny, but over the top, so much so I didn't really enjoy it as much as the person next to me.
We finished the day off with some Daytona at Timezone. It's still pretty fun, pity that we didn't get the track we wanted, cos a certain someone picked the wrong track!! Ah well, fun times.
10:44 PM | Labels: Friends, Movies | 0 Comments
Another Games Night!
Last Friday a few friends organised another games night event, which was basically just games, and pizza for the night! It was pretty fun, and we ended up playing some Street Fighter IV, as well as Bomberman, and Wii Tennis. It was great fun, and everyone who went sure had a great time! Playing on a plasma TV makes me wonder when we'll actually end up getting one soon, as it's just sooo much better. =D I'm a bit bored of pizza now haha, had it too many times in the past 2 weeks! Pics below:
8:15 AM | Labels: Friends | 0 Comments
Lessons Learnt!
The past couple of days, I have learnt random lessons that should be learnt in life. One of these is to be careful of what you buy online. I recently bought a game off ebay the other day, but it didnt end up working as the game was a 2nd hand copy. It's not such a big deal, but the return postage was about 1/3 of the actual product price, and isn't really worth it, I just hope I get some compensation as well from the seller themselves. I just know next time, to make sure I know the refund procedures, so I know that I don't get charged for a faulty item. >_<
Another lesson on something, which I usually do, but failed to do this time around, is research on products before you buy them. The K-On! CD mentioned in the previous post wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I thought that the Original Sound Track would comprise of the background music and songs that were used throughout an anime series. I realised now that it only contains background music, and various "light music" pieces, which can be a bit boring, but really relaxing at the same time. I think I might put it on at night when I want to feel more relaxed! I would've preferred the vocal songs that they used in the anime instead! As promised, here is what the inside of the CD looks like:
8:35 PM | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
My parents came back from their 5 week holiday trip, and they were back telling us about their stories of their time in the other side of the world. I managed to get a few presents, and these include the following:
- Cross Edge PS3 Game
- K-On! Original Soundtrack
- A lot of random key chains etc, I might post them up some other time cos they're scattered everywhere =P
I've yet to open both CD's yet, but will probably take pics of the inserts when I do! I also received a late 21st Birthday present from my parents too. I got a compact DC - the Nikon S610. I like the feel and design of it, and I think this will last me until I get a DSLR in the future! So from now on, all photos will be taken with this camera, until that DSLR arrives! ;) Because of all these presents and the cold weather lately, it feels like it's Christmas in July! =D

6:00 PM | Labels: Presents | 0 Comments
Wu's 21.50582th Birthday Party
Last Sunday was my friend's 21.50582th party, which was basically just an excuse to hold a games party for this holidays haha. (Pics to come later) It was heaps of fun tbh, and he had the resources to make it more successful than my party! There were 3 PS3s setup, 1 360 and 1 wii setup. 2 of the 3 PS3s were dedicated to SFIV, and it was a pretty fun time. I know I have soo much more areas to improve in, but too bad my best mates aren't that into SFIV, so it's basically no motivation to get better!
Bomberman proved popular, but not quite as epic as I had imagined. Still, it was an enjoyable time, and he liked the presents that we got him. It was basically a collection of figurines from God of War, Street Fighter, and Assassin's Creed. I hope i didn't motivate him to start figure collecting, cos that's a pretty expensive hobby! Either way, it was probably one of my more enjoyable parties I've been to, as I am a gamer rather than a party animal. =P
8:30 PM | Labels: Birthdays | 0 Comments
Finally Complete!
Last Saturday, I managed to finally complete Valkyria Chronicles. While the story was somewhat predictable, it was still pretty fun, with an epic boss battle to conclude. I really like the whole presentation, with FMVs looking very smooth and crisp! I must admit, I'm nowhere near a good strategist, so I ended up using walkthroughs to complete it quickly lol. All in all, a great game with heaps of depth, and highly recommended for RPG fans, and strategy fans too. =D
8:09 AM | Labels: Gaming | 0 Comments
Winter BBQ!
I went BBQing today at the Botanical Gardens. It was pretty fun just to chill out and away from the PS3 for the whole day too. I went with Misa's Pharmer friends, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves too! We got more in touch with nature - with a bit of bushwalking/hiking and away from technology, without the electrical BBQ stoves they have nowadays. I'll leave you guys with some of the better pics that I took during the day, enjoy!
We finished off the day with some coffee at La Dolce Vita at Park Rd, Milton. It seemed like a nice place, and I ordered an Iced Mocha! I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but this tasted alright, except the cream was kinda sour, almost like they used whipped sour cream!
1:55 AM | Labels: BBQ, Friends | 0 Comments
Cooking is hard work!
Especially for a noobie like me! Making potato salad from scratch took almost two hours, pretty annoying haha. It tasted alright though, here's a pic of it:I tried to make it Japanese style, with Kewpie Mayo. It's a lot creamier than normal mayo, and tastes sooo much better imo! :D
11:18 PM | Labels: Cooking | 0 Comments
Games, Games and more Games!
As the title above says, I've basically kept myself busy with RPGs that I've failed to finish, focusing on Valkyria Chronicles and Xenosaga.
I'm up to the stage in Valkyria Chronicles where I can level up easily with a method I found on Youtube. (Check below) The game itself is different from games that I've played before in that it is a mixture of strategy with an anime RPG style. Maybe the best way I could describe it is like Worms 3D.
Xenosaga is an interesting sci-fi RPG based in the future and is a 3 part series. Only number 2 was released in PAL regions, but I managed to get a copy of the first part while I was in the states. It's a typical turn based RPG fare, but nonetheless interesting and good to try out. I have been annoyed at times where I'm trying to find the boss I have to fight, but end up having to refer back to FAQs for more information. The trailer is below for those interested!
Other than that, I've just been internetting, and doing nothing. I'd better start looking for jobs soon!
10:35 AM | Labels: Gaming | 0 Comments
Games Party!
For those that follow my blog, I hosted a games party yesterday, inviting people from all walks of life that I've met from high school to uni to random events. It was great fun for most people, but I've learnt that I should probably have a list of games/things to do in advance. I always seem to forget about it! I have to find a way to see if I can improve the karaoke experience too.
It was fun playing SFIV with different groups of people, and 7 player Bomberman Ultra is by far the best multiplayer game on the PS3. We ended up having pizza for lunch, and some snacks here and there as well. All in all, I'd call it a success, and hopefully the next Gaming Party I'll organise will be just as good. =D
11:28 AM | | 0 Comments
First day of Winter break!
It feels so good not being guilty of doing nothing as today marks the start of my Winter Holidays, with my last exam being yesterday. Didn't really do much, went to Billy's house, and played some SF4. He actually has some tactics, and is a lot better than me at the game. I won 2 or 3 times out of 15 matches, I need a lot more practise! He had English voice overs for his characters, so it didn't really feel like SF4 to me lol. Or maybe that's just an excuse, I dunno.
I gave Resident Evil 5 a go too. I'm not really a fan of horror, but like what many people said, it's a lot more action rather than survival horror. It's a pretty fun game I must admit, but not something I'd be willing to fork out money for straight away. Again, like Red Faction, perhaps a game I'd like to get out of a bargain bin, or if my friends just have it lying around, I'll just borrow it. Mercenaries mode was pretty fun, where it was focused on killing the most zombies in the time allocated.
We finished off the day with Mirror's Edge, as my friend was stuck in an area. Luckily, as I have finished before, I had more of a vague idea on what to do for each of the remaining chapters that he was up to. All in all, it was still a fun day with heaps of gaming! I'm just getting more and more excited and pysched up for the Gaming Party this weekend. =D
9:27 PM | Labels: Friends, Gaming | 0 Comments
Fun times.
Instead of study, I decided to chilax a bit, and went a mate's place for some gaming, to try out new titles (he has heaps!) I had a go at COD:WAW Zombie mode - that was interesting, but it just seemed kind of pointless to me, as the objectives was to shoot zombies and protect yourself. I didn't really enjoy it, but he managed to have heaps of fun.
I also had a go at Red Faction: Guerilla. It was a lot different from what I had expected from the series, as I have number 1 in my collection too. It's become a 3rd person shooter, with destruction playing a huge part in it. I can see how it's heaps of fun, and could be something I'd enjoy picking up if it lands in the bargain bin! XD
Because he started console gaming from this current gen, he didn't know much about the awesome back library of ps2 games back then. I lugged my PS2 over, and managed to show him some of the best PS2 titles to have graced the system. Of course, coming from an HD background, and then switching to SD is pretty hard to impress. Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner was the only game that made him go wow, with the cool effects and attention to detail. He was always an action fan, but I'm glad that he appreciates the other types of genres of games that are around. I was heaps surprised when he ordered Valkyria Chronicles, a game where it has a huge RPG emphasis on too.
We finished the day with a few hours of SFIV. My friend was getting a lot better from the first time I played against him, and it kinda helped me improve my game, the more I played against him. He unknowingly found my weaknesses, and acquired that "fighting instinct" he was lacking when he first got the game. In doing so, this results in awesome close matches, and the adrenaline rush was huge as! We finished epically as our last round of our last match match resulted in a double KO! A friend of mine told me it's kind of rare to double KO, but we managed it. I'm a lot more motivated now to get better at this game, youtubing vids here and there. Here's a pic of how we concluded the day:Great times. I hope my Winter Gaming Warmer Party hopes to achieve this as well! =D
11:25 AM | Labels: Friends, Gaming | 0 Comments
A Day of Catching Up!
I spent last Thursday catching up with an old mate of mine Chau. It was great, just seeing how he was doing and wondering around teh city at various game shops. I swear I basically know all the video game shops from the 3x EB Games shops to JB....etc...
We got to talking about random stuff, and for the first time I thought that maybe I should go and study Psychology if I can't get a job in the business/IT field. It just seems interesting to see the way people think, and why they do so. But it was just a chain of thought, that's about it for the moment!
We had Japanese Curry at Kadoya for lunch. It was pretty good, but level 5 out of their 10 levels probably is my limit of hotness. I can't really eat that hot food, I just get heated up for no reason. :S Here's a pic of it below:
11:03 AM | Labels: Food, Friends, Gaming, Life | 0 Comments
Hey guys, did you miss me? xD
I'm so relieved and relaxed now after what would probably be my worst 3 exam block that I've had in the 3 years that I've been at uni. I'm pretty confident I passed all of my exams, but whether or not I did better is another question. I'm determined to do as well as I can for my final one as well, but I basically took the whole day off today just to do nothing, which was pretty awesome, since I haven't done it for so long!
So in my day of nothingness, here is what I did:
- Cooking! I tried to cook some dishes as my parents are currently overseas, and it made me realise how much I actually enjoy it. I just don't know how to haha. Cooking potato salad was fun, and tasted alright. My first time pasta was easy to cook, and I basically learnt most of it when I was in America. If I had more opportunities to cook, I'd love to cook more! My creations are posted below.
- PS3ing! I got through 2 more chapters of Valkyria Chronicles. It's pretty fun, but I got stuck again lol. I hope to be in front of the anime, and plan to finish it this upcoming holidays!
- TVing! Managed to spend a lot of time watching food and music programs on TV. There was one from Taiwan, and made me want to go and visit there just to try out the different dishes they offer there compared to here.
- Animeing! I watched a few more episodes of K-On! and I must say it is pretty enjoyable and addicting at the same time. Mio ftw!

10:14 PM | Labels: Anime, Cooking, Food, Gaming | 1 Comments
Busy Busy Week! =(
This week has been hella busy, with assignments finishing, and exams just around the corner. I'm looking forward to my winter break, and finally being able to catchup on some games that I've been neglecting to play recently. I wish I had a job, so I can fund my expensive hobby! Other than that, I've been trying to study, and keeping warm, and cooking too, while my parents are enjoying their trip at the moment! I wish I would've finished all my exams, so I can finally relax!
8:06 AM | Labels: Study | 0 Comments
Assignments, Assignments - *sigh*
Hey guys! How's everyone doing? I really haven't been up to much, except being busy with assignments with one on Monday being the Marketing Plan, and one due today being an Advanced Database Systems paper. It's not too bad, and they're both group assignments.
Other news:
- I'm not going to China in the winter break anymore, and will have a winter holiday now; got rejected at the interview as I don't have any teaching experience. It's a bit disappointing, but given this current economic climate, it's not surprising.
- I'm gonna have to start "nerding it up" this weekend, thanks to my exam timetable. It's gonna be a journey full of stress, and I might become a different person as a result from it. Have to keep procrastination to a minimum. ^_^"
- Last weekend, I booted up Valkyria Chronicles again and finally got past the Chapter I was stuck on. This could be my stress reliever in between studies! =D
- My parents left for a family friend's trip today, hope they have a safe and enjoyable one!
That basically wraps up what happened this fortnight, will definitely update more during the upcoming winter break!
8:35 AM | Labels: Exams, Gaming, Study | 0 Comments
Busy Busy Week!
Having a busy week = no social life, sigh. That's basically what I've been up to lately. That plus a horrible exam timetable is the perfect combination of saying goodbye to socialising! Other things I've been up to this week:
- First successful Japanese Music Circle for WASABI - it was great and awesome to listen to new Japanese songs too and meet new people.
- Had hotpot last night, it was great, and ate heaps!
- Working on 3 stupid group assignments all due within the next week or two
- Ate at Mi Sushi - pretty good cheap Japanese food in St Lucia, give it a go!
- Went to the ICT Industry Networking Night - got some stuff out of it, and realising how good networking is.
- Performed my first cold calls - telling people about AIESEC and what not, was kinda nerve-wracking at first, but I'm a lot more confident now. =D
- Received a late birthday present from Kelvin, Yao and Sue - a 1/144 Seravee Gunpla; hope to build it when I have a few hours to spare. Thanks guys!
9:49 AM | Labels: Friends, Presents | 0 Comments
Mother's Day 2009!
Just wanted to make an entry about Mother's Day last Sunday! It was a great day to have lunch with the family, and we ended up going to Oyama in Chinatown. A tad expensive, with Katsudon's going for almost $20. It tasted good, but just a tad exxy for my liking! I ended up getting a card for mum too. I wish I had more money, I'd make sure she'd have a better pressie!
For dinner we ended up having dinner with my cousin, and their NZ friends that have migrated over here. I managed to meet Jeff who happened to be in my year and went to the same school as Wendy, my formal partner. It's such a small world, and everyone knows someone else that knows everyone. It's great!
9:39 AM | Labels: Food, Mother's Day | 0 Comments
Another week of stuff!
I've had a quick week this week, with nothing too exciting to report on. Things vaguely interesting that happened:
- I started playing Everybody's Golf: World Tour for the PS3 - it's a pretty fun game, but theres just too many online updates for me! I have no idea when I can actually start playing with people online. It's easy to pick up and play, but hard to master - just like what all good games should be~
- I got my exam timetable, its pretty hectic - 15th - 5:45pm then 16 - 8am, 11:15am, and finishing with 24th - 2:30pm. I guess I'll focus on everything but the team project stuff for now. I decided to start studying now, although it is still quite slow in progress. Wish me luck to see if I can apply for a special exam, since its 3 exams within 24 hours.
- With regard to my Beijing exchange, I didn't pass the interview with the company. With basically no feedback, and with my fellow friend from Taiwan, we've come to assume that maybe the people working there want non-asian looking English native speakers. It kinda annoyed me cos it goes against the whole AIESEC way, but we'll see how that goes.
- Yesterday on the bus, it kinda made me wonder what kids are like these days. I dropped a $2 coin, before i realised it, a primary school kid picked it up, and went off with it basically. *sigh* I guess for next time I should make sure my coins are put in the right place all the time.
1:29 PM | Labels: Gaming, Life | 0 Comments
An Awesome Weekend!
I had an awesome long weekend, doing a lot of fun things. These include:
- first visiting EB and seeing various people dress up as star wars characters, mind you it was a bit crowded
- Went to Timezone with Yoshi, Mio and Anna, it was great fun to ダンレボ(DDR) and try out the new Initial D. I found the physics really different compared to AS4, being that you can't just swerve the wheel to drift, it feels a little more "realistic", and you have to brake in this version. It was still great fun playing vs mode too. I was lucky that my cousin's Timezone card works too, so managed to get some cheap games as well. =D
- Played a few rounds of SFIV with Billy online, I have a long way to go in order to be good at it, apparently I'm a tad predictable lol. It's still pretty fun, though I want to get a new internet connection ASAP! We'll see how that goes.

7:39 AM | Labels: Friends, Gaming, Holidays | 0 Comments
Another Busy Week!
Another busy week crammed in again. What have I been up to? Here's a quick list:
- My brother's 20th Birthday where we had Italian food at Gianni's in Hamilton! The first time I've been there, but there is great food to be had there~
- Finalising project plans for my IT group project - its not hard, just uses heaps of time. =(
- Getting exam results - I'll have to study a lot more now, too much time spent on job applications! >_<
- Tidying up my room - I'll try to keep this up for as long as I can, it just makes life a lot more easier by being organised!
- Bought Everybody's Golf: World Tour from Kmart for $30. I've heard that it's great fun but I haven't had the chance to give it a go yet.
- I also managed to grab a copy of Shadow of the Colossus - I've heard it's a pretty rare title, and an "epic" game, so I got a copy for $10 without the manual or cover art.
5:11 PM | Labels: Birthdays, Gaming, Life, Purchases | 0 Comments
Brutal Legend Trailer!
After watching this trailer of an upcoming game, Brutal Legend, it makes me want to buy this game from day one.
It seems like a action adventure type of game, but not enough is known about the game. Jack Black does the voice acting of Eddie, so it makes for a humourous game. The game is designed by Tim Schafer, the guy who was involved with the scripts for Curse of the Monkey Island and Psychonauts. I'm really looking forward to this one, when more details come out! =D
3:02 PM | Labels: Gaming | 1 Comments
Outrun Online Arcade Review
I recently picked up this title from PSN (Playstation Network), and it's great fun! It is based on the arcade remake of the original Outrun back in the early 90's. Both of which I have embedded below.
Overview: Basically Outrun is an arcade racer where you start off at A and finish off at B. What makes it unique include: the collection of Ferraris that you can choose to drive, deciding whether or not to drift corners, and which of the 5 final destinations you will finish at. It is really addictive, with the drifting physics pretty easy to execute, and there are 15 different areas to explore depending on your road choice - check the video below out to see what I mean!
What I liked:
- Playing this version was pretty fun, with Online multiplayer too.
- Classic Arcade experience, with eye candy in pure 1080p HD goodness!
- My online experience was pretty glitchy, with random glitches here and there that occur randomly - see below.
- Online community wasn't as good as it could be, with people disconnecting when they realise they can't win =S
- G25 support is almost non existent, and is easier and more satisfying to play with the DS3 instead.
I'd give it a 8/10, mainly cos the gameplay is addictive, but online is a tad disappointing!
6:45 PM | Labels: Gaming, Gaming Reviews, Purchases | 0 Comments
An Exciting AIESEC Weekend of Fun and Learning!
Last weekend went by heaps quick, with the AIESEC Member Review Board (MRB), the RICX RETOX Training Day, and AIESEC BBQ night!
The MRB is basically a panel interview done both in a group, and individually to determine whether a candidate is suitable to go and work in an international internship overseas. The group activity was easy in some areas, but difficult in others, in the sense that it dealt with various topics from basic ones to controversial ones too. The individual component felt similar to a job interview, but not quite as intense. It was an enjoyable experience, and I got to meet a few new people as well.
The RICX RETOX was a good refresher for me for my role in AIESEC. Just learning how to sell properly and well as perform a First Meeting/Interview with a corporate too. I learnt a bit more stuff about the whole AIESEC Exchange process too. I was hella tired by the end of it. I ended up passing it, and I'm well on my way to heading to Beijing in July! =D
The AIESEC BBQ was good to just chill out and socialise for a while. I ended up bringing my dad's camera and was the photographer/paparazzi for the night. Photos are on Facebook for those interested! :)
For those wanting more information about AIESEC theres the wiki and the AIESEC UQ website!
9:54 PM | Labels: Friends | 0 Comments
An Afternoon of Karaoke and Games!
Just thought I'd blog about last Friday, where I ended up going to karaoke with a few friends of mine I met at a networking event a month ago. We started off grabbing lunch at Hanaichi in Wintergarden, before heading off to Karaoke for 2 hours. It was pretty fun, but it just makes me realise that I've still got a while to go if I want to go and sing well! xD I dunno why, but I just never get sick of it, so I should get better as time goes on.
We finished the arvo with going to Funhouse near the cinemas, and played a few of those old school ticket games. Ended up coming back with a bouncy ball and a heartbeat too! It was a fun time, and hope to have many more soon. :)
7:04 AM | Labels: Friends, Karaoke | 0 Comments
A week of craziness!
That's pretty much how I would summarise my week. I had 2 mid semesters one before and one after my actual birthday. They weren't too bad, though the one before my bday was theory rather than practical which was kinda surprising.
After exams, I finally spent some time with my PS3, giving GRID a go and playing some more Eternal Sonata. GRID was alright once I changed to bumper view, it was just difficult to play with cockpit view because my screen is so small - you can't see the track! I'll probably give it more of a go later. Eternal Sonata is something pretty magical too - I recognised Hirano Aya's voice instantly haha.
Other than that, just cooling down and going to enjoy my weekend. :)
9:08 AM | Labels: Exams, Gaming | 0 Comments
It's Party Time!
I had my 21st party last weekend, and it was pretty fun. Not quite how I planned it, but I guess it turned out alright. :) I kind of had a plan of making it similar to the GAME ON exhibition in the city, but I didn't have nearly enough TVs unfortunately. Still, there were 2 PS3s and 2 Wiis there, but no Rockband =( It was a pretty enjoyable night, with karaoke here and there - it was good that everyone got involved. I just want to say thanks to everyone who went, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! :)
7:21 PM | Labels: Birthdays, Friends | 0 Comments
A fresh start!
I recently formatted my laptop, and have now installed a new unix OS, Ubuntu. I really like using it because it's really light on hardware, and my computer doesn't feel like it's being dragged. It's a great operating system, as it has most of what I need from my computer - using the internet, using office programs, and watching videos/listening to music. It is also a free OS with the belief that all software should be free.
I've posted a screenshot below, hope you guys like it!
10:03 AM | | 0 Comments
The Past 3 Days!
Hello again! It's been three days since I last posted. Nothing too exciting has happened, just making the final preparation for my Gaming party on tomorrow! Checking out that the gaming components work, batteries charged etc etc. I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a successful day, hopefully all the preparation has paid off! Other news:
- Ate Mi Goreng two days in a row - I've forgotten how good they are! I think I can keep eating them for a few more days still, but it's so bad for health. I guess everything that is bad is always the best tasting!
- Trying to study, it's kinda hard since my party is on tomorrow, it's hard to concentrate lol. I need heaps of catchup, but we'll see how we go. :)
- Went to Black Jack's the other day in the Treasury Casino in the city. Not bad, as we had a buy 1 get 1 free voucher, so 10 bucks for a buffet was pretty good! It was only valid until today, so I should've told you guys about it earlier! A pic of the different kinds of food offered there below. =)

6:51 PM | Labels: Food, Study | 0 Comments
A day full of fun, and meeting heaps of people!
Hey guys! I've had a hella awesome day yesterday, and managed to squeeze heaps of stuff into it. :) A quick rundown:
- Started the day off doing some work XD Basically just worked with my group in our marketing assignment - basically have a clear outline as to where we have to go with it.
- This was followed by lunch with my newly found foodie friends, Sunny and Virginia. We were going to go to Oishii, but unfortunately luck wasn't on our side, and it was closed. Sunnybank Oriental was where we ended up going. I'm glad that we all had a great meal, despite the disappointment.
- Afterwards, I managed to kill some time, and met up with Yoshi, Anna, and Mio - three people I met at a networking function recently, might go karaoke with them sometime next week. ^_^
- Then was the fun bit - Karaoke! I dunno what attracts me to it, it's just always heaps of fun. Met a few new people there too, hopefully I can go again sometime soon. :)
9:49 AM | Labels: Food, Karaoke, Study | 0 Comments
Easter Monday~!
Hey guys! How was everyone's long weekend? I must say it has been pretty relaxing and lazy, just what the holidays is about. Nothing too exciting happened yesterday, finally started some studying and a few more job applications. I started changing the site, and there's a new page above which will be my own game review column, with games that I have played in the past, and whether or not it's good, bad, or just ugly. Today should be a more fun filled day, I'll keep you guys posted! :)
7:06 AM | Labels: Jobs, Study | 0 Comments
My Latest Gunpla!
As promised, here is a post about my latest Gunpla, a 1/144 model of Gundam Exia, which is the first Gundam the main lead character Setsuna F. Seiei pilots. I really enjoyed this series, and would highly recommend it for those who love robots, and love for a good story. There are elements of love, the issue of war, and what it means for people to unite. I can't wait for the movie!
This 1/144 Exia took me less than 3 hours to make. Kinda slow, but I'm not really good at building these things. This is probably the second gunpla I've made in years, so there were some hiccups too. I lost one of the stickers that was supposed to stick to the back of the head, but as most of the details are at the front, it's not that bad.
I have here two pics of two different poses I managed to make my Exia do. I really love it how they're easily posable, and would be great if I had more! I should probably do my best to secure a job asap to fund my ever extending expensive hobbies. xD
4:37 PM | Labels: Purchases | 0 Comments
Easter Sunday!
Hello hello! How was everyone's Easter? Full of Easter eggs? I wouldn't call myself a chocolate fanatic, so I didn't receive any, except from a tutor in a first year course lol.
I managed to skip jogging today, cos of the rain. I'm gonna get fat cos of the weather, haha. I basically spent all morning making a Gunpla (Gundam model kits) that I bought during my last trip. I'll probably do a post dedicated to it soon.
We went to the Chan's for a family friends Easter BBQ in the evening. It was alright, managed to play some PS3 too. Street Fighter IV is still great fun for gatherings, and GT is fun too if both people love cars. We ended up watching the movie Twilight. Some of the lines were a bit corny, but it is a romance film afterall.
Better start studying for my two exams after the break now, and not be like this girl in this pic! >_< (PS - just trying to brighten up my posts with random pics now xD)
8:16 AM | Labels: BBQ, Gaming | 0 Comments